Selkie Pin | Raw for Modding
Irish legend says the Selkies are people who live in the sea as seals, but only by wearing their magic skins. Mysterious and seductive, they sometimes visit humans for nighttime liaisons, only to reclothe and steal away to the freedom of the ocean again.
This pin is ready to take on the colors of your imagination.
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Let's get creative!

The sky's the limit. Pin modding gives you the freedom to create custom designs that simply aren't possible on a large scale. Whether you're trying out your very first pin with a simple color or two, or filling your pins with glowing rainbow gradients, our Raw collection will give you plenty of inspiration.
Roving House Raw pins are unnumbered and come in mystery packaging. You never know quite what you're going to get, and we rotate through new designs every month.
Buy singles for $14 each, or subscribe for $9 per month and keep your custom collection growing. Each pin comes with 2 of our magnetic pin backs, so you have even more places to display your creations.